Friday, January 29, 2016

My First Literotica Submission!

Although I already published my first book, Angel Under the Tree, I never got any feedback beforehand. Uh, oh. I know, I know, bad for business. But it was a whim, a special Christmas present to myself. And it was the best way to kick my own ass so I would take my writing seriously.

Since I am a new author I need to develop a fan base. The best way to do that is sharing my work with the world. I had heard about Literotica a while ago, but was unsure about posting my stories on a message board, especially since I had heard about people getting ripped off, their stories published by unscrupulous losers under their own names. But I need the exposure and I'm publishing my books for free anyway, so what the hell.

Well, today my first Literotica submission went LIVE. I came home to find almost a thousand views, 62 votes and a 4 star rating!!! That was a confidence builder right there. There were no comments, though. I have since posted a request for feedback, so we'll see how that goes. My fellow authors will set me straight if it really sucks.

This new story is actually the first in the Angel series. It's the prequel to Angel Under the Tree.

Click here to read Angel in Heat at Literotica. Please leave me some feedback there. And vote for it if you liked it.

Once I get some feedback and make any necessary changes, if any, I will publish it on Smashwords and Amazon. I already have a cover for it.

Monday, January 11, 2016

My First Book Review: Big Rock by Lauren Blakely

Hey there, fellow erotic romance lovers! I am going to start posting reviews of the super sexy books that really made me laugh or cry or melt.

My first review is Lauren Blakely's sexy contemporary romance, Big Rock.

From the opening prologue she had me laughing out loud at her overconfident man whore, Spencer. He was very proud of his big cock. I was also howling over the acknowledgement to her friend for being able to make an R look like a C (look at the cover title). Brilliant!

Spencer is very content with his life. He's rich, successful and popular with the ladies. He loves women, loves making them happy with his big cock and has no intention of changing his way of life. That is until his father asks him to tone down his image in order to impress a potential buyer for his business. Spencer's best friend and business partner, Charlotte reluctantly agrees to be his fake fiancĂ© for a week. The faking turns to reality when these two besties realize they were meant to be.

This is a funny, sexy and heartwarming romance. That first sex scene between Spencer and Charlotte had me fanning my face and nearly sliding off my chair. I kid you not! The only other time I was so overwhelmed by a sex scene was Anna and Edward's first time in The Raven Prince by Elizabeth Hoyt.